Wednesday, June 6, 2018

I'm going to see if this blog lasts this long

this is five years from the start date. If you're reading this, it means I haven't cancelled this blog. Whether or not comics are still being posted, well, since i scheduled this post in 2013, I don't know.


as of the 2015 edit, things are looking up. In 2013, I assumed that I'd have forgotten this comic entirely and given up on it, but there are still comics.

I got my drawing tablet back, which has thrown updates back into regularity. I'm going to college soon! That's pretty neat.

as it turns out, going to college soon means that I don't have as much time to write the comic. Updates exist periodically, though.

I got me some real buttons now but still have no fans, as of 2016.

As of 2017 the comic is derelict. Please help me I'm trapped in a fortune cookie factory

nevermind i got out

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