Thursday, June 6, 2013

#1 "How to be a famous artist"

How to become a famous artist: Step 1: Make Bad Art [A picture frame with a poor drawing of the devil is shown. Beneath it, the phrase "get it?" sits in parantheses]. Step 2: Tell everyone that your art is "deep" and "classy" [two skeletons conversing are shown]. Step 3: tell them you are indian. (video game developers are nice to indians because they feel sorry for them) [a skull with a single red and brown feather sitting on top of it is shown]. You will have at least five dollars now [a mockery of a five dollar bill is shown. It has a numeral 2 in one corner and a numeral 5 in the opposite corner. instead of a president's bust, it features a skull in the middle. Instead of featuring the phrase "in god we trust", it says "in ooga booga we trust"]

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